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Yes, our current house is only approved for eleven children but our new home will hold sixteen. However, we try to keep the number of children low enough to be able to adequately care for each of them individually.
Even in a pandemic, the call to continually ‘look after orphans in their distress’ continues. And for the children under our care in Mongolia, the need is urgent and we can no longer wait.
The Mongolian building season is only April to around August. If we miss this window, our children have to wait yet another year. It is our goal to have all of the needed funds raised by April 2021.
The parent company building our home actually has two companies under their wing: construction and insulation. They are licensed and trained in spray foam insulation. It is such a crucial component of the home construction that a sample of our newly applied insulation will be sent to Canada for inspection and approval. A state-of-the-art ventilation system will also be installed because the spray foam completely seals in the home. Electric floor heating will also be installed throughout our new home and each room with have its own temperature controls. Compare that to our current house that requires a worker to keep the furnace lit throughout the night. Our children’s home will be getting a HUGE heating upgrade!
Great question! We want to make sure we have enough money budgeted to help us navigate a variety of variables during this project. This includes fluctuation in the currency exchange rate between USD and Tugriks and any needed changes made to our final blueprint. All construction, square footage, and furnishing prices are current estimates and our entire team (US & Mongolia) will be working very hard to keep all costs to a minimum, without sacrificing quality. This buffer also includes credit cards fees (about 2.3%) from online donations. Any leftover money will be used towards future projects or our ongoing ministry expenses.
Great question! Believing the local church is God’s primary vehicle to change the world, we have set a goal of 50% of our project support coming directly from local churches. This will look different for every church body. Some churches will give through their missions fund and some will make this need directly available to their congregation. Either way, we would absolutely love to partner with your church to better care for the children in our home! We can equip your leaders to communicate the vision with your church or small group or you can schedule a time for one of our leaders to share. Please contact us to mobilize your church in this great task!
Since 1994, we have entrusted our finances to God and we are continuing that with this big project. We not only trust God’s timing and provision, we also trust you to give as you feel led. If you genuinely do not have a preference, you can donate to our general fund at wego.org/give and we will use your kindness where it is most needed. Both options are necessities. Both will make a world of difference.
Your donation will immediately be placed in our account for this entire project. It will go towards the overall budget for construction and new furnishings, not just your selected room. Breaking up this campaign into square footage and rooms is simply a way to breakdown the cost in a tangible way. I mean, what if no one wants to donate towards the boys bathroom?! We still need to build them one! Donating towards a specific room also allows individuals to pray for our children in a specific way. We also are incredibly excited about handwriting personal messages from our donors in the room they select!
This is the fun part. The home build is actually the first phase of a three-phrase project. Phase Two will be building four small enrichment centers on our property to better equip our children for the future. Phase Three will be converting the current house into a center that will allow our house church to better serve our surrounding community during the day. More to come!
Always trying to be frugal, this is an important question we have asked for many years. The easy answer is our current house was never designed to do what we are asking it to do: Keep eleven children warm in the winter. Before we purchased it, this house was designed and built to be a summer home and left unoccupied during the harsh Mongolian winters. On top of constant repairs, our current home only has one bedroom per gender and only one bathroom for the entire house. The children’s ages can range from 3-18 and we believe it is crucial we offer each of them more privacy.
We would love that! Typically, you can visit wego.org/go to discover upcoming trips but all current trips are postponed as travel is restricted due to the pandemic. Contact us if you would like us to let you know when trips to Mongolia are reopened.
We have several teams we would love for you to consider joining:
1) Prayer Team – Receive updates and respond through prayer, individually and as a group
2) Fundraising Team – Help us get the word out through events, social media, grants, and other channels
3) Décor Team – Work with our Mongolian staff to select and layout our new decorations and furnishings
Contact us to get plugged in!
That’s between you and them. But isn’t it fun reimagining your childhood if you had one?!