By Aaya (Children’s Home Director) and Aaron White (WEGO Storyteller)
“Keep his decrees and commands, which I am giving you today, so that it may go well with you and your children after you and that you may live long in the land the LORD your God gives you for all time.”
Deuteronomy 4:40
The verse above is the start of the story of Israel breaking a covenant with God. God makes a covenant with Israel that they will live long in Canaan if they follow God’s decrees. If we follow the rest of the Old Testament, we will find them breaking this command (repeatedly) and being essentially removed from the promised land.
Here is the timeline:
1. God commands, offers a blessing if the commandment is kept, implies a warning if the commandment is broken.
2. Commandment is broken.
3. The consequence of ignoring the warning is faced.
Oswald Chambers once said that God never threatens and the devil never warns. He went on to clarify the aim of the one threatening is to force people to do something for their own benefit, while a warning is designed to protect people from harm. God warns us out of His goodness.
All of us have enough experience, if we are honest, to accept that when we ignore God’s commands, it’s because we lost sight of who we are dealing with. We lost sight of both His authority and goodness, ignoring the blessings of obedience as well as the consequences of disobedience. Worse yet, we communicated flippancy toward God’s word to those around us.
For every believer, Christ bore the ultimate consequence for our sin on the cross. It’s a blessing by surprise for all those who failed to heed the initial warning. But even as His children, God has commands and warnings for us to live by, though they are no longer our path to His love. We are not at risk of being kicked out of the land, but just like our earthly parents, God will not withhold loving discipline to keep us walking in step with Him. We are covered by grace, but still we are called to obey for our good and His glory.
May we regard God’s warnings and commands as seriously as a child takes his dad’s rules, knowing our acceptance is not at stake, but there are consequences to disobedience all the same. Ask God to fill you with His mercy and show you any area you’ve grown flippant with His word. Consider how this affects your relationships. Are we willing to follow God’s command, or even point others to God’s warnings?
As you pray this month, ask that all of your brothers and sisters in this guide would have a deeper grasp of God’s authority and goodness.
Join Us in Praying for Our Home Build!

This room isn’t just where food is made. People are made here, too. You will always find kids in our kitchen helping with meal preparation or clean-up.
How You Can Pray
Pray our kitchen becomes a teaching ground to train our kids for adulthood. Like some of our graduates, pray this room prepares them for their future career.
Tent of David Church – Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

About Tent of David Church:
Otgonbaatar became the pastor of Tent of David Church over 10 years ago. The church serves their community by sharing the gospel, preparing missionaries and seeking to strengthen the local church.
How You Can Pray:
1) Pray that God will increase the faith of Otgonbaatar and his family, and guide him as he leads the congregation.
2) Pray that God will provide for the church.
3) Pray that God would grow the church in faith.
Baptist Church – Nicaragua

From Pastor Martin:
“I am from Chinandega and I just love serving God. I live in the west of Nicaragua. I am not only a pastor but a missionary as well. I want to go until the last person hears. I am married with 4 kids. I’ve been a pastor for 14 years now. It is just amazing how God is. I pray everyday for a spiritual growth for our Nica churches. Thank you for your prayers, we will be praying for all of you.”
How You Can Pray:
1) Pray God would grow the churches of Nicaragua.
2) Pray for peace in Ukraine.
3) Pray the God would bless my community.
Mashbat – Driver, Mongolia

About Mashbat:
Mashbat and his wife have served on the team at New Hope Children’s Home for a couple years now. His welcoming spirit is a joy to be around.
How You Can Pray:
1) Pray God would help him improve his health.
2) That he would grow in his relationship with God.
3) Pray he could get a certificate for his home and complete some repairs.
Pastor Carlos – Head Guard, Nicaragua

From Pastor Carlos:
“I am 52 years old, and I’ve been working for WEGO for 10 years now. My family is doing well. My wife is 48 and I thank the Lord for her because she is my rock. My two sons names are Ruben and Ronal, they both are in college. I am so proud of them. They have families and children of their own. I now have granddaughters, one is 2 and the other is 1. I am so thankful to God for all He is doing. I will serve Him until the end of my life. I will be praying for you as you all pray for us here.”
How You Can Pray:
1) Pray for Pastor Carlos’ ministry.
2) Pray God would provide a new roof for his church building.
3) Pray his family would be healthy.
Munkhbayar – New Hope Children’s Home, Mongolia

About Munkhbayar (left):
Munkhbayar and his two siblings have lived at New Hope Children’s Home for several years now. He loves playing soccer and being in the middle of all the fun in his free time, but he’s also a stand-up brother.
How You Can Pray:
1) That he would be able to concentrate in his studies.
2) Pray for his future life.
3) Pray that God would bless his family.
Juan Cerda – New Hope School, Nicaragua

From Juan:
“I am 17 years old and in the 10th grade. I am new to this school, but I love it so far. The way that the teachers offer their friendship to us is awesome, but what’s more awesome is that I have been learning about God. I live with my Dad, he is 42 years old. We don’t have our own house so we live with my grandfather. I have a brother who is 14 and a sister who is 22. My favorite class is math. I love to eat the rice and chicken they cook here. I attend a Catholic church. At my grandfather’s we have chickens so I love to take care of them feed them.”
How You Can Pray:
1) Pray that he would have good health.
2) Pray God would bring peace to Ukraine.
3) Pray that God would provide a job for his dad.