By Aaron White, WEGO Storyteller
“So pursue them with Thy tempest, and terrify them with Thy storm. Fill their faces with dishonor, that they may seek Thy name, O Lord.”
Psalm 83:15-16
Exhausted after a busy month, my wife and I were looking forward to a nice weekend at home. Sunday came and we were leaving for church and looking forward to a peaceful afternoon when we noticed our cats gathered into a corner of the living for no apparent reason. I heard a gasp from my wife as a gray blur shot into the next corner followed by three cat noses. There was a rat in the house.
After church, the situation had not changed. The cats had him pinned to the back wall. Back and forth he went behind the furniture, until finally lunging at one of the cats in a moment of desperation. Feeling helpless, I put up a barricade to funnel him to the open front door and moved the cats out of the room. In a moment straight out of Tom & Jerry, I waited for the rat to approach the threshold, then chased him outside while yelling like a madman. All said and done, I returned to the house feeling pretty silly for the way such a small nuisance had derailed our day.
In Psalms 83, the psalmist is asking God to subdue his enemies and assert himself as the Lord over the earth. It’s a call for God to act in accordance with his character and deal justly in grace or wrath with those who oppose him. I read it after my rat chase, and God brought to mind how stressful the last month was and how tired and anxious it left me feeling. The image of my wild attempt at running our visitor out the door made God’s point perfectly clear.
How funny it is that we think we can take care of the bad in our own lives and bring about the good, when Christ alone is the reason for any goodness in ourselves? Like the psalmist, when we face opposition or darkness, we should go to the throne of the Lord over all the earth and ask that he shine a light in the darkness, because without his victory, our efforts come to nothing. Big or small, we can only run darkness from corner to corner. But Jesus can run it right out of the world and leave everything brighter than ever before, even bringing his enemies to seek his name.
God is gracious to use his sense of humor to teach us to need him, that he is the Victor and we are just riding on his shoulders. Next time we encounter darkness in our lives, seek his victory in honest prayer that His goodness and grace will drive out the evil in the world. At WEGO we are called to aid the astounding need and devastated places in people and communities who need the Gospel victory of Jesus. But in all our actions, there is nothing that will bring in the light like prayer to the Victor Himself.
Join Us in Praying for Our Home Build!

Imagine living near the coldest capital city in the world where even walking to a vehicle brings misery. We are fixing that problem with this attached garage!
How You Can Pray
Our children have a 30-minute commute to school every day. Pray it is filled with joy, safety, and moments of discipleship led by our driver.
Cornerstone Church – Gachuurt, Mongolia

About Cornerstone Church:
Cornerstone Church has a congregation of 60 adults and 35 children. They are led by pastor Amraa. Currently, they’re planning a building project that will eventually house their ministry. They are also building a children’s playground in Gachuurt in cooperation with local government.
How You Can Pray:
1) Pray God would grow their congregation.
2) Pray for their building project.
3) Pray that God would strengthen Amraa and his family by faith.
Bethel Church – Nicaragua

From Pastor Cristian Baltodano:
Hello, my name is Cristian and I am 55 years old. My wife Cecilia and I have been married 25 years. Our church is located in Chinandega, in the west part of Nicaragua where we also live. I have 40 members and church services 3 times a week. This journey hasn’t been easy, but God is faithful and so are we. I can’t wait to be in the Lord’s presence one day, but until that happens I will always enjoy sharing his Gospel. Please pray for us as we pray for you.
How You Can Pray:
1) Pray that God grow our church in love for Christ.
2) Ask God to give us wisdom.
3) Pray my wife and I would be healthy.
Javzandolgor – Firemaker/Herder, Mongolia

About Javzandolgor:
Javzandolgor is the one up before anyone else at New Hope. She’s starting the furnace, caring for the livestock, carrying the water; the list goes on and on. We love her servant heart, the way she exemplifies Christ by putting others before herself.
How You Can Pray:
1) Pray she would have opportunity in her schedule to take a vacation.
2) Pray she would be successful in a big fence repair.
3) Pray God would guide her youngest son as he looks for a wife.
Claudia Solorzano – Bible Club Teacher, Nicaragua

From Claudia:
I am 20 years old, and I am the new Bible Club teacher. In my free time I love to read. I love helping on my house work, love to clean and cook. I also want to share that I have a sister, her name is Elena. I live in Diriamba with my mom, dad and sister. I am very close to my grandmother. My mom is Claudia Cardenas, she used to work here at WEGO as a teacher not long ago. I’ve been working for 2 days here and it’s been wonderful. This is a new stage in my life, a new experience that I love. I can tell you that I love these kids already, because I’ve learned from them. The kids are wonderful. Thank you for praying for us as we pray for you.
How You Can Pray:
1) For the Bible Club kids, that God would teach them about himself.
2) Pray God would bless my family.
3) Pray for all the people that I work with here.
Nominerdene – New Hope Children’s Home, Mongolia

About Nominerdene:
Nominerdene came to New Hope Children’s Home with her older sister in 2020. She is a fun loving kid who loves reading. She wants to be a teacher when she grows up.
How You Can Pray:
1) Pray for all the people in the world, that God would bless them.
2) Pray that God would give her wisdom as she goes to school.
3) Nominerdene would like us to pray for Dulmaa, one of our retired caregivers who still occasionally fills in when we need a hand. Nominerdene says she loves Dulmaa, and wants us to pray God would bless her.
Jordy Carmona – New Hope School, Nicaragua

From Jordy:
I am 13 years old, and I am in 7th grade. I am new here. It has been so great to be able to make friends and to know about who Jesus is for us. My mom’s name is Claudia Lopez, she is the principal here. My dad’s name is Marlon. I have a sister that is older than me and her name is Nancy. My family lives in Diriamba. I love going to church on Sunday with my mom and sister, we attend Hosanna church. I love playing soccer. My favorite food is picadillo, which is a Nicaraguan dish. Very delicious.
How You Can Pray:
1) That I would be able to get good grades.
2) That God would protect my uncle, who is a nurse.
3) Pray for my grandmother’s health.