“Give us today our daily bread”
-From Matthew 6:11
Here’s the deal with bread:
First off, it’s pretty delicious. It can be an appetizer, a main dish, or a dessert. I mean, it’s easy to eat and tough to beat, right? The thing with bread though is that it’s best served fresh from the oven when the steam is still rolling off its buttered top. Give it a day or two and it’s still edible but wait too long and your weaponized. It’s important to remember that the bread of biblical times lacked plastic wraps and modern preservatives that keep Twinkies alive for generations. Back then, a shelf life of 24 hours was all you got. Here Jesus is praying for that fresh bread that is best baked new everyday. He doesn’t want too much or it will spoil. He doesn’t want too little or He will starve. Jesus is asking for today’s provision and will let tomorrow’s bread be baked, well, tomorrow.
This is a good Scripture for today as we celebrate and pray for our graduates at New Hope School. For one, they’ve been baking this bread for 5 years (secondary school in Nicaragua is 7-11 grade) and they finally get to take it out of the oven to enjoy. But perhaps the greatest temptation for any newly christened adult with the world before them is to look so far ahead they miss the present. Our graduates have their new lives, new jobs, and new families awaiting them in the years ahead. Let’s take Jesus’ words to heart on their behalf and pray for God to be present with them and provide what they need as they settle into their new life away from New Hope School today.
Javier Ismael Mora Chamorro

About Javier:
I am 17 years old and live in the Roman Esteban community. I live with my mom and dad and we have our own house. My mom is a teacher and my dad is the pastor of a Mennonite church. I visit his church sometimes. I have an older brother and a sister but they no longer live in our home because they have their own families now. I love music and I love to read. I also love sharing time with my friends at school. My favorite class is Spanish. After graduation, I would love to study English or advocacy. My favorite food to eat at New Hope is rice, beans, and cheese.
How You Can Pray:
1) Please pray for my mom’s back and leg pain
2) My dad is getting old and he complains of having body pain
3) Pray for unity in my family. I wish we were united like in the past.
Regina Elizabeth Esteban Lopez

About Regina:
I am 16 years old and live in the Roman Esteban community with my mom. My mom cleans houses and she is our food provider. We do not go to any church right now. I love math because I just love numbers and love resolving math problems. I love spending time with my friends at school and I will miss them a lot. My favorite food here is chicken and rice. Next year, I would love to study civil engineering. If I can’t study that career, my second choice will be graphic design because I love to draw.
How You Can Pray:
1) For donors and those who help New Hope School
2) I want to pray for the WEGO staff
3) Please pray for family unity
Evert Acosta

About Evert:
I am 17 years old and live in the Dolores community with my mom and dad. I have a younger brother and we attend an Apostolic church with our parents. My dad works as a driver and my mom cleans houses. I love soccer but also love helping my mom at home. I normally sweep and clean the bathroom. I love math because it is so interesting to solve math problems. I love Bible class as well because I love learning more about God. That way, I can share about Him with others and apply it to my life. I get excited every time we have beef for lunch at New Hope. I will be studying industrial engineering or English next year.
How You Can Pray:
1) Join me in praying for the economic situation in Nicaragua
2) For people with cancer
3) For those who are living without Jesus
Jose Miguel Mendez Campos

About Jose Miguel:
I am 16 years old and I live in Roman Esteban community with my mom. I have two brothers and two sisters. My brothers work so they are our food providers. I love helping my mom clean the house and I also love soccer. I love sharing time with friends and teachers at school. I love learning good and new things here. I love English so that it is why I decided to study English next year. I love to eat fried chicken and rice. The reason I will study English is because I want to make friends from other countries.
How You Can Pray:
1) To keep going
2) I want to help my mom economically when I get a job
3) I want to get a good life
Katherine Dayana Torrez

About Katherine:
I am 16 years old and live in the Roman Esteban community with my mom and my two sisters. I love math and love sharing time with my friends at school. I will miss this school and also my teachers. They were so nice and patient. I love all the food we eat here. I love music and love playing soccer. I love going to church with my family.
How You Can Pray:
1) Please pray for my spiritual growth
2) Pray for unity in my family
3) For Nicaragua, our country
Yadelitza Manuela Rosales Lovo

About Yadelitza:
I am 17 years old and live with mom and dad. My dad works as a mechanic and my mom is a stay-at-home mom. We do not go to church. I have two sisters but I am the youngest. We live in Roman Esteban community near the school. I love to watch TV, listen to music, and also love helping my mom with house work. I love math because I love numbers a lot. The food I loved most in our school was beef with vegetables. I loved sharing time with my friends here. I will go to the university to study professional nursing. Thank you so much for your love and prayers.
How You Can Pray:
1) Please pray for my future
2) Pray for my mom’s health because she suffers from asthma and carpal tunnel syndrome
3) Pray for the lives of my teachers
Kevin Alexander Ramos Garcia

About Kevin:
I am 17 years old and live in the Roman Esteban community. My mom is at stay-at-home mom and doesn’t work. We live in our own house close by my uncle. He is the one who provides our food. I have an older brother. We do not go to church. I love to listen to music and watch TV. My favorite classes are Spanish, physics, and English. I love sharing time with my friends and I will miss them a lot. I am not sure about what I’m going to study yet but I will figure that out soon. I was thinking of becoming an electrical engineer but I will see. What I love to eat here in my school is rice, beans, and cheese because it is the best food ever.
How You Can Pray:
1) Please pray for my spiritual growth
2) Pray for unity in my family
3) For Nicaraguan, our country