by Zach Dodd, WEGO Director
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
-John 3:16
It’s the year 3000. The new house in Mongolia we fought so hard to build in 2024 is long gone. We hired a great builder and chose high-quality materials but it is 3000 AD, after all. Packs of ravaging AI bots already decimated the landscape during the Great Bot Battle of 2672. Or maybe something else will bring it down. Regardless, I can’t imagine it will still be around 976 years from now. We certainly will never know.
Then why go through all this trouble for something that won’t last forever? That’s easy and found in the world’s most famous Bible verse. We are not building a forever house that moths or bots could destroy. We are simply building a safe temporary space where God’s kingdom can be built in the tiny hearts of our kids and where their hurting souls can find Life everlasting. As you know, houses nor technology will last forever. Only people do. To quote our Statement of Faith on the resurrection:
We believe all men were created to exist forever. Those who are not in Christ will be resurrected, forever punished, and separated from God in hell. Those who are in Christ will be resurrected and given the eternal reward of perfect union with God forever in heaven. (Matthew 25:31-46; John 5:24; John 5:28-29; Acts 24:15; Romans 6:23; Galatians 6:8)
So, we all have two options here: eternal death or eternal life. Our ministry exists for the sole purpose of alleviating suffering in this life and, most importantly, in the next. As we tell our kids about the eternal Life of God’s kingdom and our Father’s House with many rooms, it’s kind of nice to do it in a house where the one bathroom for twelve kids hasn’t disconnected itself from the rest of the building, you know?
This new house is just the means to an end. Make no mistake, we could use a warm house with more space, working bathrooms, and mold-free stairwells. But more than all that, we want our home to be a place where kids go from death to life, from no hope to new creations in Jesus. In 100, 500, and even 976 years from now, that will be the only thing that matters.
Can we pray for that today? Can we go before our Heavenly Father and plead with him for the salvation of our kids in Mongolia? Pray for them to believe in Jesus and turn to Him in faith. Pray for them to recognize their need of saving and repent of their sins. Pray for our staff as they share the stories of God’s love. In a country of 1% Christ followers, pray for the salvation of every kid who enters our doors. Pray God sends them out as Light-bearers into the world He so dearly loves.
Don’t know where to start? Let’s pray for Bayarmaa today, who just moved in three weeks ago. If she is like most kids who enter our home, she is just hearing about Jesus for the very first time.

We are so happy to have Bayarmaa join our New Hope family. She is 6 years old and in the first grade. She says her main hobby is drawing but also loves playing with toys, especially Barbie (sorry, robots). Bayarmaa’s biggest dream is to visit her grandmother.
1) Bayarmaa has asked for prayers for her family and herself
2) Please pray she feels welcomed and loved by our staff and the other children
3) Join us in petitioning God for Bayaramaa to find eternal life in Jesus