> We have a big goal of launching a $100,000 Matching Funds Campaign on November 1st! 
> $40,000 of seed money has already been pledged.
> We need your help gathering the remaining $60,000 before the campaign is launched.
> Being a pledger of seed money is awesome because you not only give, but you encourage others to give generously, too! 

> We have seen an unprecedented increase in all of our ministries budgets this year while giving has slightly decreased. We need your help filling the gap!
> These matching funds will also ensure our ministries will be fully funded for the rest of this year and into next year while putting us in a better financial position to build our new home next year in Mongolia!
> Your gifts will cover food and clothes for kids, salaries for our beloved local staff, gas for vans, utilities for our buildings, all of our Christmas activities, and everything in between! 

How It Works:
> Make a pledge below by October 31st.


> We’ll announce the total amount pledged and launch the matching funds campaign.
> A weekly tally update will be given every Tuesday.
> We will temporary pause all designated giving through 12/27 (or until the goal is met) to focus on bolstering our general fund through this campaign. 

DECEMBER 27th (or when the goal is met):
> The campaign will be completed and we will announce the percentage raised.
> You will only be on the hook for the percentage of the total goal that is reached. (For example, if we get $100k pledged but raise $82k then you will only be asked to give 82% of what you pledged.)
> We are finishing the campaign on this date to give you time to donate your pledge amount before the year ends.

The Ask:
Will you prayerfully consider adding a pledge to be matched? You can also greatly help by gathering pledges for this seed money via your own circles of influence. Just share the link to this page: wego.org/seedmoney

Encouraging others to give.
Make a pledge to be matched!