WEGO Prayer Guide – March 2021

(Above: the back of our new sign in Nicaragua)

By Zach Dodd, Director of WEGO

“To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.”
Colossians 1:27

The year was 2009 and my wife and I were about to leave for a two month stay at New Hope Children’s Home in Mongolia, long before I became WEGO’s Director. It all started with a breakfast at Roberto’s Little Havana Restaurant in Cocoa Beach with WEGO’s Founder, Marc Ivanchak. Carlie and I didn’t have kids, a house, or any plans for the next few months so we asked if there was any way we could be used around the globe. Over rice and beans and strong coffee, he told us the directors in Mongolia hadn’t had a break in a couple years. He said it would be great if we could fly over to give them a hand for a while. We booked our tickets a couple weeks later, the same day we first found Mongolia on the map.

As our trip drew close, our questions for Marc grew rapidly.

What’s the culture like? Should we pack our own food?
What language do they speak? When will we meet Genghis Khan?
What are we actually supposed to do for 8 weeks? What’s the plan?

Marc met every question with the same answer: “Christ in you, the hope of glory”.
He wasn’t quite the tour guide I had signed up to follow. Marc looked past my need for control and saw something greater at work within Carlie and me, Jesus. Marc was pushing us face first into a journey unshackled from strategy and schedules into one fully alive and dependent upon the power of the living God inside of us. Looking back, he trusted Jesus to work in us more than he trusted his own plans or vision for us. That’s a good leader.

So, what on earth does this have to do with prayer?

When the needs of others around the world feel so far away, remember how God has intimately showed up in your life and healed your places of pain. When you find He offers that same love and hope of restoration to the whole world, His heart for them will start beating inside your chest. Jesus will teach you how to pray.

When you’re overwhelmed by the needs in your own neighborhood and don’t know what to do, remember God has placed you there and He will direct your prayers and steps along the way.

The Spirit of the living Christ is actively dwelling inside of you and is actually interceding for you when you don’t know what to do or pray (Romans 8:26). The same Power that resurrected a decaying body from a stone covered grave is literally working in your heart and mind right now to transform you and show you which way to go (Psalm 32:8). Don’t allow a lack of information to freeze you in your tracks. Stay fiercely dependent upon the power of God inside of you and run fast to follow His voice. He is your hope of glory and only chance to get anything truly figured out.

Pray through this guide with your eyes and heart wide open. Who knows what you might find or how you’ll be led to pray?

Whatever your question may be, may you always find the answer in this: “Christ in you, the hope of glory”.

Join Us in Praying for Our Home Build!

Our caregivers are the absolute best. Join in their ministry by praying for the new teacher’s bedroom where they will rest from the day’s labor and prepare for tomorrow. Caring for children takes a lot of work, wisdom, patience, and a great night’s sleep.

How You Can Pray
Pray these rooms will be a breath to our caregivers. Pray they find God’s strength, power, and grace new every morning.

Jesus the Shepherd Church – Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

About Jesus the Shepherd Church:
Gansukh has served as the pastor of Jesus the Shepherd Church since 2005. They hold services for children, young adults and adults, and they also engage in evangelism in their community. They have plans to plant churches and disciple new believers.

How You Can Pray:
1) Pray that God would keep Gansukh and his family healthy.
2) Pray that God would grow the faith of the congregation.
3) Pray that God would use them to spread the Gospel in their community.

Victory Baptist Church – Nicaragua

From Pastor Stuart Aleman:
“My name is Stuart. I’m 50 years old. My wife and I have three girls we love with all our hearts. We love serving the Lord no matter where we go. I’ve been the pastor at Victory Baptist for 10 years now, and I thank God for all of it. We have 30 members, and we meet together twice a week. I pray more people come to Christ through our example as Christians.”

How You Can Pray:
1) Pray God would grow the members of Victory Baptist Church.
2) Pray God would guide the election in Nicaragua this year.
3) Pray that God would give His peace to all the nations.

Ayaa – Children’s Home Director, Mongolia

About Ayaa (far right):
Ayaa is the director of New Hope Children’s Home, where she offers love and warmth to the kids through her tender presence and caring administration. She and her husband Puje (director of WEGO Mongolia) have 4 children and 5 grandchildren together. In her free time she enjoys reading, spending time with her family, and cooking for the kids of New Hope.

How You Can Pray:
1) Pray that God would bless her family.
2) Pray that God would keep her healthy.
3) Pray God would give her wisdom to lead all the children and staff in Christ.

Claudia Lopez – Assistant Principal, Nicaragua

From Claudia:
“I’m 39 years old and I’ve been working here for 5 years now. I love working here because I get to witness the Lord working in the lives of each student and teacher. I live at my mom’s house with my daughter, who will be graduating this year, and my son, who’s in the 7th grade. I love my mom, she’s my best friend. We talk about everything, and if we get mad at each other we talk about it and work it all out. I’m really blessed to have her. We all go to church together on Sundays.”

How You Can Pray:
1) Pray that God would give me more wisdom about Him so I can teach our students.
2) Pray for my husband Marlon and brother Ervin so they come to Christ one day.
3) My daughter has been having back pain, so I’m taking her to the doctor to see what’s wrong. So please pray all is well with her. 

Nominerdene – New Hope Children’s Home, Mongolia

About Nominerdene:
Nominerdene came to New Hope Children’s Home in 2020 with her sibling. She is 4 years old, and enjoys playing with toys and reading. She wants to be a teacher when she grows up.

How You Can Pray:
1) Pray that God would keep her healthy.
2) Pray for her family.
3) Pray that God would bless her future and use New Hope Children’s Home to bless her and her family.


Jelsis Gonsalez – New Hope Bible Club, Nicaragua

From Jelsis:
“I am 12 years old, and in the 7th grade. I live with my mom, stepdad and sister. I’m a new student here. It amazes me how much I’ve learned so far. It really makes me excited for what’s next. I love language and literature class, and I also enjoy drawing and hanging out with my friends. My favorite food at the school is rice and chicken. It’s so yummy!”

How You Can Pray:
1) Pray that I would be able to make friends.
2) Pray God would keep my family healthy.
3) I’d like to learn more about Jesus. Pray that God would help me to understand it and use my teachers to teach me.