WEGO Prayer Guide – November 2023 (Graduation Edition)

by Zach Dodd, WEGO Director

“Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”
-Psalm 139:16

That’s how many days the average human lives and breathes.

That’s the current number of people roaming this world as I write this.

So why should you care about a single graduation day and these specific 14 graduates? Well, you don’t have to. You can glance the photos and scan the bios. I mean, there are a lot of other days and people to worry about, right? Psalm 139 shows us the way. Every soul and every day they live means something wonderful. We care because God cares. The eyes of the Almighty were wide-open and aware as muscles stretched around bone and the rhythm of a new heartbeat filled the world with song. We are beautiful creatures and all worth praising God for. Each new day is a reason to celebrate.

As we focus our attention and prayers on our 14 graduates (7 this month and 7 next) remember Psalm 139:16. Their faces and stories represent a life woven together in precision and loved with an everlasting love by their Creator. Recall their graduation day is not a singular event but the culmination of days, month, and years of hard work and dedication.

Let’s gather around and celebrate with them. Let’s pray and praise God that each of them is fearfully and wonderfully made.


About Alejandro:
My experience at the school was so awesome. I will never forget everytime my teachers shared the Gospel with us. I have learned a lot about God’s word. My goal is to study in the university and find a career I want.

How You Can Pray:
1) Prayers for my family
2) For my next steps and future
3) My spiritual life to continue to grow

              MARILYN ESTEBAN

About Marilyn:
I had the best time at New Hope School. I learned so much about God and the sacrifice He made for all of us. I will never forget all the good values and the good times I had there. My goal is to be able to study biology and find a career to help my parents financially, with God’s help.

How You Can Pray:
1) That my dreams with come true
2) Pray I have very good economic stability to help my parents
3) For improvement in my spiritual life


About Elias:
It was an awesome experience. I was able to learn about God and represent my school as the best student in our city (Jinotepe) and also in our state (Carazo). My goals are to be able to be a successfull professional in my career and on my sport team. I believe I have the desire and capacity to be involved in social work. I would love to be able to share the Word of God while I am alive and to help my family as much as possible.

How You Can Pray:
1) Pray for health for my family
2) To be able to honor my parents in my studies and in the sport I practice
3) Please pray I have a successful life


About Michael:
My experience at New Hope School was great. I studied here for 3 years and all I can say is that I thank God for everything the teachers taught me. I thank the school because I got to know more about God. I have good friends and will miss them a lot. My goal is to be able to go to the university and study a career to help my parents.

How You Can Pray:
1) Please be praying for my family
2) For my future as I go to college and find a career
3) Pray for my spiritual life


About Roger:
My time at New Hope School was the best. I learned about how God sees us and how to apply and practice the Word of God in my life and how to meditate on the Word. I also learned how to work as a team and to be helpful. My goal is to live a healthly life and to study systems engineering.  When I finish, I would love to buy a car, a motorcycle, a house, and to have my own family.

How You Can Pray:
1) I want to seek more of God and live pleasing his purpose
2) That I am able to study in a university and become a professional
3) Pray that I can always have my family to share joy and sad times and to be able to face hard times with them, making my self stronger through God’s help


About Perla:
I had an awesome experience here just listening to the Word of God every day. It helped me to understand God’s grace for all us, knowing we all sin. I thank God for WEGO’s leaders because they are the ones who are also helping the school to run the way it is right now. My goal is to be able to study English. I know that if God is with us, we can do it all.

How You Can Pray:
1) Pray for protection from any harm for my family
2) Strength to face whatever will come
3) For God’s spiritual control over my life


About Whesly:
The time I had at New Hope School was the best thing that has ever happened to me. I will never forget it. I will take every minute I spent there in my heart and mind. It was four years of joy. Thank you New Hope School and thank you WEGO’s leaders and teachers. I will always be thankful for all the things that the school did for me. My goal is to study English and finance. It won’t be my plan but God’s.

How You Can Pray:
1) That the Lord will guide my path
2) For a scholarship to be able to help my mom financially with the university monthly payment
3) That I will always praíse God and preach about His Gospel no matter what