WEGO Prayer Guide – October 2020

By Aaron White, WEGO Storyteller

“And seeing Jesus from a distance, he ran up and bowed down before Him; and crying out with a loud voice, he said, “What do I have to do with You, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I implore You by God, do not torment me!” For He had been saying to him, “Come out of the man, you unclean spirit!”
Mark 5:7-8

“And as He was getting into the boat, the man who had been demon-possessed was entreating Him that he might accompany Him. And He did not let him, but He said to him, “Go home to your people and report to them what great things the Lord has done for you, and how He had mercy on you.”
Mark 5:18-19

I’m sure I’m not alone when I say that the uncertainty of these days has affected my prayer life. I imagine some have been driven to prayer more often as they petition God for guidance through the pandemic and the civil strife we are all steeping in. For myself, however, I’ve found that I am tempted to streamline my prayer to things I know, and shy away from praying too deeply for things that are messy to deal with and hard to understand (like the personal problems of others and the global issues we are all experiencing) because I feel uncertain of how to pray or where to begin. I was unknowingly content with that level of depth until I came face to face with Jesus Christ in chapter five of the gospel of Mark, and was shaken by the way He steps into places where He is uninvited and sorts out the unsortable. And I think it is from an understanding of His character that we can gain peace with the uncertainty of our prayers by relying on the power and love of our Savior. Up until chapter 5 in the gospel of Mark, Jesus has healed throngs of ailing followers, challenged the Pharisees, and calmed a treacherous storm with a word. The unflinching authority and compassion of Christ have certainly been on display. But these two qualities are seldom more striking in contrast or potency than in the story of the demon possessed man from Gerasene. 

At the start of the story, Jesus is hardly out of the boat before He is commanding the demon to leave the man. The demon’s response is startling: groveling, manic requests to be released from His presence and His wrath, for the time being. Jesus allows them to leave, and turns His attention instead to the man who has been freed from his oppressors. The townsfolk are pretty disturbed at this point and ask Jesus to leave, but as He is going back to the boat, the former demoniac is now asking to come with Jesus, who responds by telling him to go home and spread the news that the Lord had mercy on Him. 

The authority and compassion of Jesus Christ on display! He minces no words with his enemies, and yet travels miles over waters to have mercy on a man fraught with sin. As we pray this week for the church in Nicaragua and Mongolia, and for the people of the earth in our crisis, let His fiery heart draw you nearer to Him in joyful reverence for the one who is above all things, lavish with mercy. Lean on His authority and compassion when you find yourself at a loss for words or hope. It may be that He is calling you to pray in these raw places so that he can show you the depth of His love and power in ways you had not previously experienced.

Join Us in Praying for Our Home Build!

This week, please join us in prayer for what will be the living room of the new children’s home. The story is in the name: this room is where all the life happens. Toy cars will be vroomed, crafts created, block towers will be built sky high, and chess tournaments will be won and lost on these floors.

How You Can Pray
Pray that deep relationships will be built here that keep our kids connected to our home long after they have moved away.

Tower Church – Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

About Tower Church:
Batzaya is the pastor of Tower Church, who share the gospel to several communities through each of their four branches. They provide a place for fellowship, as well as teaching for adults, young adults and children. Their goal is to plant house churches and cultivate leaders who are able to serve.

How You Can Pray:
1) Pray that God would increase the faith in Christ of Batzaya, the leadership of Tower Church, and the congregation.
2) Pray that God would keep his wife and children healthy.
3) Pray that Tower Church would grow in love and faith.
4) Pray that God would use that love and faith as they witness to others to bring new souls to faith in Christ.

El Quebracho Baptist Church – Nicaragua

From Pastor Martin Eliuth Lopez:
“I am 37 years old. My wife is named Ileana, and we have two girls and two boys together. I’ve been a youth pastor for two years, and I also assist our lead pastor. We decided to shutdown earlier in the year due to the virus, but now we have reopened. We are taking precautions, wearing masks and using hand sanitizer. We people are the church; it’s good to see our brothers and sisters again.”

How You Can Pray:
1) Pray that God would unite all the churches around the world and fill them with his love.
2) Pray that God would bless those in the USA who help provide food for the kids around the world.
3) Pray that God would stop the pandemic.

Javzandolgor – Herder/Firemaker, Mongolia

About Javzandolgor:
Javzandolgor loves to help people. She takes care of the homestead of New Hope, starting fires in the furnaces at the crack of dawn in the bitter cold, as well as taking care of any livestock they own at the moment. She also loves to sew. She has three children; she lives with her youngest son, the other two live with their own families. Javzandolgor says she is satisfied, God is doing great things in her life.

How You Can Pray:
1) Pray that God would guide her children and their families, and that her youngest son might find a wife.
2) Pray that God would keep her healthy.
3) Pray that God would strengthen her faith in Christ.
4) Pray that God would improve her speaking skills.

Zelyde Campos – Bible Club Teacher, Nicaragua

From Zelyde:
“I have been working for WEGO for 3 years now. It has been a blessing. I love what I do, the kids are my world. They‘ve taught me so much. During this pandemic, we have been giving the kids some books to read at home with their parents, and also a letter letting them know how much I care and love them. Now the preschool is reopened and I am teaching a 15 minute Bible class to the kids. It’s been great to be back.”

How You Can Pray:
1) Pray that God would show His love to the nations.
2) Pray that would keep me healthy.
3) Pray that God would provide for us in the pandemic, as well as end it soon.

Ariuka – New Hope Children’s Home, Mongolia

About Ariuka:
Ariuka came to New Hope in March of 2016 with her little brother and sister. She’s  17 and a senior in high school, the oldest at New Hope, and she often leads the younger children with her good attitude and sense of humor. Ariuka can often be found helping out with the younger kids,  playing with them or working on homework with them. She loves studying language and social science, and she loves sports as well. When she graduates, she wants to become an airline hostess.

How You Can Pray:
1) Pray that God would provide for her future and the tuition for her college.
2) Pray that God would keep her healthy and following Him.
3) Pray that God would guide her father and her family.

Elizabeth Sanchez – Feeding Program, Nicaragua

From Elizabeth:
“I am 2 years old. I love my family. I live with my mom and dad, and my big brother and sister, who are both in school. We also have a dog; I love playing with my dog. On the weekends we all clean the house together, and Sundays we go to church. I love singing. My dad is a farmer, and my mom is a stay at home mom. I’ve been a part of the feeding program for a year now. My mom helps them cook, sometimes. I love her cooking! Thank you for the food!”

How You Can Pray:
1) Pray for all the kids that are suffering, that God would show them His love.
2) Pray that God would keep my family healthy.